Oh no... you mean the news agencies are owned by the real power moguls of this country and they are bias towards their own agenda?
"This speech is shocking who care hear it!"
I believe they have a term for it.
It's call "fake news"
you can't escape bias in the news media, so making it visible is the next best thing.. just came across this site which aims to label the news stories to show who is covering it.
you can see how some stories are only covered by one side which shows either their bias, or the bias of the other side from not covering it.. well worth checking out:.
Oh no... you mean the news agencies are owned by the real power moguls of this country and they are bias towards their own agenda?
"This speech is shocking who care hear it!"
I believe they have a term for it.
It's call "fake news"
from the peacefull netherlands i have a question about the current situation in the us.. is a civil war possible?.
To answer your question of course the answer is yes. Because anything is possible. In this case in it could be a strong possibility if certain scenarios play out.
I don't believe "the girl next door" comment is true.
"As various groups rose up, they would be immediately put down by the federal government and the force of the United States military.
The reason is our troops have no problem killing people from other countries. However they may have a harder time turning their weapons on the men women and children of their own country.
Especially if they think their own government is bull shit. Which as we all know could be a strong possibility.
I think it will go more like the movie "V" where the government in future England faked a pandemic for its own gain.
It that movie the soldiers and people both called bull shit and didn't buy into the lies the media were pedaling.
Another factor is the fact America is the most armed country in the world....another wild card.
for the record i'm agnostic, never seen any direct evidence of spirits, afterlife, etc.
i've been visiting my mother during this corona ordeal.
a year ago i had a dream i was much older and talking to somebody about how my mom died this year but it was avoidable.
Just because you don't believe in something doesn't mean it's not possible.
Maybe we are spiritual creatures having a physical experience.
Maybe there are no coincidences.
Maybe just maybe there is more out there than the things we can see and touch.
You don 't have to believe in it but maybe just open to the possibility of it.
last wednesday my elder brother called me to let me know mom had died.
she was 97 years old and was in a nursing home for the last 7 years.
her mind had left her many years ago to the point she didn't recognize any of us.
"I felt sad, happy and indifferent this last week about her death."
What you are feeling is very normal. Don't think just because you don't feel different or more that you are not effected by her passing. It takes time to process all this.
That old generation of JW parents were not the easy to live.
I felt every thing you did when my JW mother passed away 37 years ago but I was mad also because she could have made things so much better for herself and those who were around her.
Like you, I was happy too on some level.
Why? Because her pain was finally over. Not her physical pain but her emotional pain from a very tough life.
My mother died with a lot of secrets as that generation didn't like to talk about their feelings very much, making it tough to draw close to them.
They did the best they could and I would like to believe they are in a better place now....Who knows maybe we will all be reunited in some way....some day....when all the mysteries will be made known.
since adam and eve’s fall, we are all sinners.
it’s what we do, there is no way to change it, sinning is a daily part of life.
there are major sins, but most of us commit minor ones everyday in words, thoughts or deeds.
This was one of the most important things the Society ever wrote and rocked my JW world back in 1973. It changed my thoughts about the question of whether we earn our way into the new system (as the society would like you believe) or is it a free give, which makes more sense.
The answer the society gave was quit surprising.
So, of course when I was still a JW and went back to the world headquarters in 1996, to see my old Bethel friends. I went straight to the writing department to track down my old friend Cerio Allisino, who was still in the writing department. He informed me the information was correct.
The statement was in the "God's reign of a thousand years is now approaching" book. Page 129 paragraph 32.
It said this. It was very surprising what the society had to say.
"Because of being born sinful and condemned to death mankind never had "a chance" It could never justify itself before the God of absolute perfection by doing perfect works of righteousness and ridding itself of sinfulness."
So get this.... it goes on to say.
"So Judgement Day does not offer mankind what is called "a second chance" Rather, it affords to mankind ts FIRST opportunity to gain eternal life in human perfection and absolute innocence in an earthly Paradise!"
Of course to me back then this would make more sense. How could any man be judged with all that sin an imperfection? So how could any man.... Jehovah's Witness or not even a Jehovah's Witness, be judged? After all THEY said we "never had a first chance "
So what is all this "working hard" and "exerting vigorously" thing about? Which is it? Is it a free gift as they even claim it is....or are your working your way there, as the as they would have you believe from their many remarks from their pulpit?
How can you believe in any organization that can't even keep their own stories straight?
Also I guess this is just another reason you can't research any of their publications older than 1980 on their web site!
Kool Aid anyone?
...by dr vernon coleman mb chb dsc frsa.
Very thought provoking. I agree with everything he said. We are heading to a brave new world and nothing will be quite the same ever again.
hello, i was hoping to get some clarification about how people are disciplined for immorality as a jw.
i became involved with a co-worker a few years ago, she was fairly aggressive and she initiated a physical relationship very quickly.
at the time i did not know she was married and a jw.
You should run like hell, However she does sound like an interesting girl. What's her phone number?
so we binge-watched the waco mini-series on netflix.. wow, what a powerful and enlightening programme!
even if you think you know what happened, it gives you extra context to it all.
it's very well done even if you just want a great drama series, but it's way more than that.. there are of course some dramatization and slight historical inaccuracies for the purpose of story-telling but it was very informative.
What not trust our governmental agencies! This speech is shocking who can hear it.
student (age 6-18) deaths from covid-19-involved illnesses are projected at a rate of 0.0001% as a percentage of their peers.
they died from influenza-involved illnesses at a rate of 0.0005% in 2018.. workforce (age 19-55) deaths from covid-19-involved illnesses are projected at a rate of .01% as a percentage of their peers.
they died from influenza-involved illnesses at a rate of .007% in 2018.. retired (age 66-77) deaths from covid-19-involved illnesses are projected at a rate of 1% as a percentage of their peers.
There is a bigger story going on here.
This panic-demic was a planed-demic. This "social distancing" does something else too. It prevents people from getting together and talking about how they are being manipulated by the powers that be.
This is nothing to what is coming in Chapter 2, stay tuned.
P.S. It's never too late to grab you parachute!